The Tree and the FountainBy Desi Ana Sartini | 31 May 2024 An invitation to reflect on two loaded images that I encountered at the Seven Fountains Jesuit center in Chiang Mai, Thailand this past fall, and which ministered to me there. If you’re on a phone, this poem will display better in landscape mode. Outside the windowthere stands a wounded tree.Its bark looks burnedbut there has been no flame.It is stained with the bloodof a great gash in its side,mostly healed into aswollen ring, but the heartoozes still, blacksap trickling down its side,where insects feed on theever-bleeding wound. In thedistance,a fountainstands beforean open chapel.Its cleansing flow pours from a clay jardown a hill of stoneto fill a pool stirringwith life from someever-beating heartwithin the stone. Subscribe